
What Should a Parent do When a Child is Injured in a Florida Automobile Accident?

In, Florida, children of the unfortunate victims of personal injury and even death as a result of an automobile accident. There are a myriad insurance regulations and traffic laws in the State of Florida. When you attempt to apply these regulations and laws into an automobile accident fact pattern, things can become quite complicated and confusing. Furthermore, it should be noted that in many instances insurance claims are challenged and heavily scrutinized by insurance adjusters. It is often helpful for a parent of an injured child to consult with a Florida Child Injury Lawyer for advice, consultation, and potential representation. When a child is injured as a result of the negligence or fault of another person, there may be a viable case to pursue on behalf of the child; however, it should be noted that each cases should be evaluated on its own facts and merits.

Florida has unique laws for automobile accident, insurance claims, and civil cases. Before speaking to an insurance company, a parent should first speka to a Florida Child Injury Lawyer who can help review the documentation, facts, and circumstances to provide the parent with some needed guidance in moving forward with an insurance clai or case. Questions that often arise in the situations include but are not limited to the following:

  • Should I contact the insurance company?
  • Should I give a statement to the insurance company?
  • Who is responsible for my child's medical bills?
  • What if my child does not have health insurance?
  • Should I sign any documents provided by the insurance company?
  • Where should my child seek medical treatment?
  • Where can my child receive medical treatment?
  • What rights does my child have to compensation?
  • What rights do I (as the parent) have to compensation?
  • Are there time limits to file an insurance claim?
  • Are there time limits to file a lawsuit?
  • Will an attorney handle my child's case on a contigency basis which is essentially a wait to get paid basis?

There are just some of the issues and questions that arise in these situations. If Florida law was merely based on common sense and all insurance companies were willing to compensate a victim for what is sought - then there would not be much of an need for an attorney or advocate on the claim or case. Unfortunately, laws are not based purely on common sense and insurance companies closely evaluated and challenge most claims. Because of this, a parent and the injured child will be well served by legal representation depending on the facts and circumstances of the case.

The book titled - When the Wheels Stop Spinning - Legal Rights of the Injured Child - What Parents Should Know After the Accident - has chapters on Automobile Accidents, Bicycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Damages and Compensation, and other topics. You can get this book for free at When the Wheels Stop Spinning.

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