What if a Child Suffers Injuries as a Result of Rough Discipline by a Day Care Center Worker?

Education Day Care Building Block F In Florida and other States, it takes a special and caring kind of individual to properly supervise children in a school, summer camp, or day care center setting. Child care providers should be well trained and have that certain personality the exudes patience, love, and common sense. The best interest of the child should be the focal point of the care. For the time period that the day care center worker is on duty, the day care worker's attention and goodwill should be focused on the job at hand. Unfortunately, children far too often fall victim to a child care provider who lacks the common sense and patience to properly perform the job. Whether it is a pattern of bad conduct or a one time incident, children in day care centers suffer injuries as a result of rough discipline or even worse deliberate corporal punishment. It should be made clear that children are fragile and should be handled with care. They should not be treated in a rough manner that can and does lead to serious personal injuries. When a child is injured at a day care center, a civil case may be pursued on behalf of the injured child. When the facts support a criminal prosecution, the State of Florida may pursue criminal charges against the day care center worker. When a person is arrested for child abuse or neglect whether in a day care center setting or elsewhere, Florida and constitutional law mandate that the Defendant have the benefit of legal representation from a private criminal defense attorney or the local public defender. Yes, a day care center worker charged with a crime is innocent until proven guilty. Furthermore, while reports in newspapers can be quite gripping, the legal case (whether criminal or civil in nature) will have far more details and information than a brief newspaper article. As such, cases - whether civil or criminal - should go through the proper processes and procedures.

A day care center injury was recently reported in Palm Bay Florida in which a day care center workers was arrested for allegedly causing injuries to a 4 year old boy. The incident reportedly took place at Woodlake Child Development Center. The story was reported by WESH Channel 2 News - Orlando, Florida. You can read more about this story at Day Care Center Worker Arrested in Central Florida.

In Florida, day care centers are regulated by Florida Statutes and the Florida Administrative Codes. Licenses and inspections are handled by the Florida Department of Children and Families. It is important for day care centers and the staff members to comply with these laws, the facilitity policy and procedures, and just the necessary common sense that goes hand in hand with providing reasonable and appropriate supervision of children.

The book - Florida Day Care Center Injuries - Legal Rights of the Injured Child - Building Blocks of Knowledge for Parents - has chapters on Corporal Punishment, Record Keeping, Indoor and Outdoor Facilities, Supervision, and other topics. You can get this book for free at Florida Day Care Center Injuries.